16/1 Gauge 13 amp Bulk Wire
The products in category 16/4are rated up to 13 amperages and use 16 guage wire. They have 4 conductors running through them. Please select your jacket type from below. If you need further assistance please contact americord.com our customer service department.
16/1 SJT Green 105C 13Amp 300V NA PVC Thermoplastic Bulk Wire
SKU : 2023AmericordOut of stockThis industry standard bulk wire or bulk cable is for the North American market. This stranded cable is green PVC thermoplastic SJT. This is a ...
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The products in category 16/4are rated up to 13 amperages and use 16 guage wire. They have 4 conductors running through them. Please select your jacket type from below. If you need further assistance please contact americord.com our customer service department.