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“Shocking” Reasons for Electrical Cord Safety - 7/17/2015Not all electrical cords are manufactured for the same purpose. This is obvious to anyone that looks at 2 different extension cords with varying electrical power ratings. The U.S. wire gage system incorporates a system that trade professionals assign values to extension cords that correspond to their electrical power capacities. Within this system, all extension cords are allotted gauge numbers. Larger gauge numbers have smaller cord diameters and its electrical power capability. These numbers are vital indicators of the extension cord’s performance; however they typically go unnoticed by shoppers. Underwriters Laboratories, a product safety testing organization, based within the USA and recognized worldwide, has devoted a portion of its web site to increasing client awareness concerning the hazards of improper electrical cord use. A number of the power cord misuses involve removing the grounding pins to suit plugs into ungrounded outlets and filing wide prongs to insert them into receptacles that aren’t wide enough for polarized plugs. Apparently, these behaviors are common enough to warrant that sort of attention from an organization like the UL. Not all electrical cords are manufactured for the same purpose. This is obvious to anyone that looks at 2 different extension cords with varying electrical power ratings. The U.S. wire gage system incorporates a system that trade professionals assign values to extension cords that correspond to their electrical power capacities. Within this system, all extension cords are allotted gauge numbers. Larger gauge numbers have smaller cord diameters and its electrical power capability. These numbers are vital indicators of the extension cord’s performance; however they typically go unnoticed by shoppers.
Underwriters Laboratories, a product safety testing organization, based within the USA and recognized worldwide, has devoted a portion of its web site to increasing client awareness concerning the hazards of improper electrical cord use. A number of the power cord misuses involve removing the grounding pins to suit plugs into ungrounded outlets and filing wide prongs to insert them into receptacles that aren’t wide enough for polarized plugs. Apparently, these behaviors are common enough to warrant that sort of attention from an organization like the UL.
Why be concerned? What problems would occur if a person were to use a higher-than-appropriate-gauge cord with an electronic tool? What problems would occur if a grounding pin were to be removed? It’s true that customers escape with these behaviors unharmed, however the warnings are meant to stop the exceptions from turning into occurrences. Once there are issues caused by wire misuse, they're typically severe. A brief list of misuse includes electrical shocks, burns, and even fires. A number of the less serious consequences involve injury to the connected product or to the wire itself (it will become hot and cause life-long damage). For these reasons, corporations that manufacture extension cords are continuously careful to label their product so that customers will recognize how they should be used.
Electronic Connectors Provide Human Connection - 6/24/2015Many studies by many researchers strongly claim that humans need to feel associated with somebody or something in this world. While the reasons have been bantered about, some say it is feeling while others say it is physiology, cutting edge technology makes this all the more clear. It has turn into an irregularity to experience even the scarcest bit of disengage with the world unless one really attempts to do as such. PCs, telephones and even automobiles have turn out to be quicker and more highly advanced to provide personal communication on a general if not consistent premise throughout a significant part of the world. In spite of the solace provided by this technology, it is not extraordinary to become annoyed over the electronic connectors that make it conceivable. These are the contorted tangles of strings and attachments that appear to overwhelm such a variety of PCs, phones and even whole workplaces. These are what keep the world associated.
To clarify, the motivation behind power connectors is to join two or more electrical circuits together. This works by a male component, for instance an attachment with one or more prongs, is joined with a comparing part referred to as the female component, the receiver or outlet. The configuration of both male and female parts may change significantly, however compatibility must be utilized to effectively create the flow of energy between the two. Connections between two or more cables or cables and electronic terminals may be permanent for a constant flow of electricity or temporary to provide a constrained and more effectively controlled exchange of power.
Whether continuous or truncated, these components exchange a great deal more than AC and DC currents. Regardless of being regularly alluded to as electrical connectors, these components are responsible for the entire output of sound or visual data. The fiber optic cables stretching across the Atlantic, for instance, provide a quick and effective intercontinental telecom, while the cable connector coming from the DVD player to the TV provides both visual and sound entertainment for millions. Despite the fact that the cords and cables expected to make viable electronic connections may be somewhat of an aggravation, their abundance in present day society is reflective of their need.
Why Regulate Hospital Power Cord Manufacturers? - 6/3/2015There are various needs for power cords dependent upon location and application. As the years have passed and technology has improved, power cord manufacturers supply a large variety of complex cords to power residential and commercial electrical devices, which can have varying plug adapters, volts, size, color, and so forth. Not only do power cord suppliers need to keep up with changing technology, but also with national and international guidelines set forth by governing agencies of power cords. In the case of consumer power cords, the guidelines are much simpler versus rigidly controlled environments, such as in hospitals.
Strict guidelines are set so that medical equipment, which is connected to power sources via power cords, can be relied on not to fail because of faulty power cords. One of the regulatory agencies of power cord manufacturers responsible for providing standard guidelines within the United States and Canada is called the National Electrical Manufacturers Association or NEMA. A study provided by NEMA concluded that due to the effects of electrostatic discharge of electric devices, power cords within hospital settings must meet certain standards in order to be considered safe and acceptable for use.
There are a few differences between standard and hospital power cords. One of the main differences is that medical power cords are reinforced between the cord and the plug. This reinforcement is necessary due to the constant plugging and unplugging of medical devices that would under normal circumstances cause damage much faster to the power cord. For this reason alone, medical power cords must be manufactured by trusted suppliers and those who follow the strict guidelines that NEMA has set forth.
International Power Supply and Travel - 4/6/2015As people travel across the globe for business, pleasure, academics, religion, and more, they will bring their electronic devices with them as if they were a part of their body. However, travelers will need to have universal adapters or European electronic connectors to adapt to individual countries outlets. One has to be aware of the several different options to adapt, convert and transform the power, as well as prong layout of the outlet at the destination.
There are several different options available to those who need to convert their North American NEMA standardized plug to those necessary in other countries, such as the United Kingdom. NEMA power cords either follow a two or three prong standardized pattern that you will find throughout the United States. One of the options available to travelers is a connector that works by placing the male end into the adapter type that matches the traveled to countries socket. The male end is then plugged in while the female side matches the plug pattern of the country that you have traveled from.
One very important term to know before you decide to plug your device in is voltage. A person needs to know the voltage of the country you are in and the voltage of your electronic device. If the electronic devices you are using are not compatible or do not have the ability to use either 110v or 220v, the surge or step down in power may be detrimental to your electronics. It can also cause your adapter to melt or even catch fire. If you find that your equipment is not supported because of the voltage differences by using an adapter, there are two other options, a converter or a transformer. Converters work by rapidly cutting the power and turning it back on to achieve the required voltage output that is needed to operate the device. The only problem with converters is time. Converters should not be plugged in for more than a couple of minutes for devices that employ computer chips because they could harm the device. The other option is a transformer. A transformer will provide an even flow of voltage from the power source to your equipment by changing the voltages, whether it be by stepping up (increasing) the voltage or stepping down (lowering) the voltage. Although transformers are the most efficient and safe, they are the most expensive, while adapters are the most cost effective.
What’s Powering your Google® Search? - 2/9/2015However you are viewing this article, it is more than likely on a computer screen that is powered by an electronic power cord. Odds are that your screen is connected to either a desktop or laptop computer. There are many wires, cords, connections, electrical components, and more to make sure a computer screen turns on and you can connect to the World Wide Web. But, without electricity and a power supply, these components won’t work.
Consider the vast amounts of power cords necessary to make Google®’s enterprise run and operate. For just one blog post, engineers had to design software, programmers had to write the operating systems, the author had to write the article, and in order to publish—servers, modems, routers, printers, external hard drives and all manner of other computer equipment and accessories were used via power supply cords.
It would be hard to estimate the number of cords out there in the economy, even when the speculation is limited to the context of computer-related power supply cords. But, as is obvious, power supply cords are utilized in many situations outside of personal and commercial computing.
We should all thank our lucky stars for power cord suppliers and manufacturers who keep our electronics powered. As a society, we have gotten used to our electronic devices just working and tend not to notice the infrastructure that makes that functionality possible. Of course power supply cords are just one example of that infrastructure, but they are, without a doubt, an important example.
The True Value of Power Cords - 1/7/2015Power cords in an essence could be thought of as the spine of an electrical device. Surely there are other pieces of the puzzle within every device to which a power cord is connected that are of importance, but none like the power cord. For example, in a computer it could be argued that the memory or processor is the most important. One mechanic might argue that the engine is the most important automotive component, while another might say the wheels are most important. There is no right or wrong answer to which part is the most important because they all share responsibilities to make the computer run or the vehicle to drive.
No one would argue that one of the least expensive components of an expensive computer, the power cord, is the least important. If there is no power or electricity running to the computer, it will not work. This goes for every piece of industrial electronic machinery, every electronic consumer product and every electronic commercial utility. Out of all the components that are necessary to sustain all of the different parts of our economy, power cords play a minimally visible but highly important role.
As long as we still plug our electronic devices into receptacles, there will be a need for power cords. However, because there is such a varied global demand for power cords in terms of plug and receptacle configuration, power cord manufacturers have to be positioned to anticipate the needs of varied markets. Although most countries have different power configurations, NEMA cords serve non-diverse markets. But for most power cord manufacturers and suppliers, a diverse product line is necessary due to the demand for international power cords. Until the day that our need for a means of connecting our devices to power sources ceases, the world’s need for power cords will continue.
Blue, Purple, Pink and Black AC Power Cords - 12/31/2014AC (alternating current) power cords supply electricity to many different types of electronics including computers, gaming systems, audio equipment, and more. You may have known what a power cord does, but when looking for a new power cord, it is important to buy from a company whose products are certified to comply with the latest RoHS2 and REACH standards.
Finding a RoHS2 and REACH compliant power cord supplier is easier than trying to figure out what kind of cord you need. There are many different suppliers of power cords and several different kinds of cords with varying features.
Some companies manufacture cords with varying molding sizes. In this case, smaller is usually better because lower profile moldings allow for easy installation on power strips where many appliances are plugged in. Lower profiles also allow for better airflow in those tight, high temperature environments. Another option, when it comes to power cords is the orientation of the molding. Moldings with certain angles can mean easier installation and a safer fit in an outlet or power strip.
Many times plugs and receptacles are available as straight or angled: right, left, up and down.
Manufacturers also offer varying colors and lengths of cord to choose from. Some power cord manufacturers are developing universal power cords that can be used literally in any country.
Explore all of your options. Look into several manufacturers and all of the features and products they offer before making a decision. You’ll be completely satisfied with your choice when you know you got exactly what you needed with features to suit your specific applications at a price that works for you.